연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 의료용 고분자 부문위원회 (I)
발표장 제2회장
논문코드 1L2-8
발표일 2021-10-21
발표시간 17:15-17:40
논문제목 A Biphasic Osteovascular Biomimetic Scaffold for Rapid and Self-Sustained Endochondral Ossification
발표자 김환
발표자 소속 한국교통대학교
저자 김환
소속 한국교통대학교
논문초록 Recent developmental engineering efforts aim to recapitulate endochondral ossification, a critical step in bone formation. However, this process entails the condensation of mesenchymal stem cells into cartilaginous templates, which requires long-term cultures and is challenging to scale up. Here, a biomimetic scaffold is developed that allows rapid and self-sustained EO without initial hypertrophic chondrogenesis. This composite scaffold enables human endothelial cells and MSCs to rapidly assemble into osteovascular niches in immunodeficient mice. These niches contain ECFC-lined blood vessels and perivascular MSCs that differentiate into pre-osteoblasts after one week in vivo. Subsequently, multiple ossification centers are formed, leading to de novo bone tissue formation, including mature human osteoblasts, collagen-rich mineralized extracellular matrix, hydroxyapatite, and gradual mechanical competence. The findings suggest a novel bioengineering approach to recapitulate EO.